Saturday, January 21, 2012

Kimono challenge #1 How did you get into Kimono

Well time to get on the kimono challenge bandwagon! I`ve really been enjoying everyone`s posts for this!

1. How did I hear about kimonos& first kitsuke thoughts and stuff
2. My dearest kimono item(s)
3. My most used kimono item(s) (not counting jubans, datejimes etc.)
4. My least used kimono item(s)
5. My favourite coordination(s) so far
6. What things I like and what not in kimonos(&why)
7. Kimono confessions. Did you know that...
8. The massive want-to-buy-list(or in this situation what-I-would-like-to-buy-but-don't-have-enought-money-or-any-occassion-to-wear-it-list)
9. My biggest fears&wishes what comes to kimonos
10. My biggest inspirations in kimonos
11. My kimono collection
12. The evolution of my kitsuke

How did you get into kimono?
This feels like such a long time ago now! I lived in Tokyo for one year 2003-2004 as an exchange student, and of course I`d see kimono around. I wanted to learn how to wear one so badly! Then one day I stayed over at a friend`s dorm who was going to a different university. She had taken a laqure making class and the teacher was going to show her how to wear kimono in the morning. I well, invited myself along lol. I`m not sure the teacher was that happy I had come along but oh well! She showed us and another student how to put on kimono and she dressed us. I was hooked!

I had a school trip to a kabuki performance coming up so I decided to wear kimono to it. I went to a low end department store and with help from the shop lady I picked out a sha kimono (it was summer) and she basically got together all the komono for me.

With a "you can wear kimono by yourself!" book I took it back to the dorm and started practicing. in my room.

The day of the kabuki arrived, and apart from the dorm old lady fussing over my kitsuke everyone was impressed. Looking back I`m not so impressed now lol.

Teeeny 2004 keitai pictures!

And then after the performance, with all the slippage that involved with sitting down for a long time D: It looks rather plain to me now, could have been jazzed up a bit with some komono!

I didn`t buy any more kimono while I was in Japan (I already had sooo much to send back) but once I got back to the UK, I discovered ebay and it really tumbled on from there...

Origin of the challenge:

Blogs participating in the challenge:

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